# of Columns:

Fundraising Lunches

2024-2025 Fundraiser Lunch Program

Order by Monday, 9/2/24 for Full Year or 1st Half of the Year lunches.

Order by Monday, 1/13/25 for 2nd Half of the Year.

NDV Fundraising Lunches are on Fridays. Prepaid list will be published in the newsletter.


TK-4th grade pricing:

  • Full year lunch:$144
  • Half year Lunch: $72

5th-8th grade pricing: 

  • Full year lunch:$162
  • Half year Lunch: $81


Thank you NDV families for supporting the Fundraising Lunch Program.  Please note, we cannot offer refunds on prepaid lunches.

If you have any questions, contact Kim Parker and Tina Lau at ndv-fundraiser-lunch@googlegroups.com.





Welcome guest,